The Five Levels of Leadership

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The Five Levels of Leadership

Leadership in dental practices is for everyone, whether your title suggests it or not. We have, at the very least, a responsibility for leading ourselves and the patients we care for. So, it makes sense for us to work at becoming even more effective leaders.

One way to do this is by learning more about what author John Maxwell defines as The Five Levels of Leadership. Knowing where you are and how you can advance may be just the place to get started.

Level One Leadership: Position

The first level of leadership is Position. This level suggests that people follow you because they have to. While this isn’t the ideal position for those who are looking for long-term leadership opportunities, this is often the entry point into leadership. Leaders at this level often gain support more through their authority and less through their influence.  

Remember, there is nothing wrong with the Position level, it is simply the starting line. Additionally, it is easier to grow from this level. One key development opportunity is the ability to prioritize tasks. Self-discipline is a great foundation to build on and carry you forward in your leadership journey.

Level Two Leadership: Permission

The second level of leadership is Permission. At this level, people are following you because they want to. You’ve started to form stronger connections with those around you. You’ve gained the ability to relate and truly get to know others. You’re starting to build trust with those you lead, which is a key to long-term leadership success.

To advance in the levels of leadership you will need to convert that trust into respect. As a leader, you will build long-term relationships on trust and respect; those relationships will be the foundation of your leadership future.

Level Three Leadership: Production

The third level of leadership is Production. Like the name suggests, this is the level where people start to follow you because of what you have done for your organization. Your credibility comes from your ability to produce results, build influence, and manage change. To advance from the Production level of leadership, you must take on tough challenges, focus on team effectiveness, and make sure your team knows you are moving forward together. It’s your responsibility to make leading people FUN!

Level Four Leadership: People Development

The fourth level of leadership is People Development. This level is extremely rewarding because people are following you because of what you’ve done for them as individuals. At this level, your key focus is to identify and develop plans for other leaders.

You will spend most of your time developing other people, and making yourself LESS essential. More leaders equates to more accomplishments and a larger impact. This is when you must identify the accomplishments and impact you want to make not just as a leader but as a team.

Level Five Leadership: Pinnacle

The highest level of leadership is rightfully called the Pinnacle. At the Pinnacle level of leadership, people are following you because of who you are and what you represent. This highest level of leadership is the most difficult to attain and maintain. You must continually be committed to the longevity of leadership and have a mechanism for asking yourself the hard questions. This level of leadership requires the ability to be intentional with your life and the way you invest your life into the lives of others. It’s at the Pinnacle level of leadership where you are focused on your personal leadership legacy.

It is important to remember the most effective leaders have both personal goals and a desire to make a difference in the lives of others. Your ability to ascend to a higher level of leadership is primarily based on your ability to influence. You don’t know when or how you will have the opportunity to touch someone’s life. The greatest leaders see these opportunities and make the most of them. Never underestimate your leadership impact or ability to influence others.

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