Spark Toolkit

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Toolkit for Group Dental Practices and DSOs

The Spark team has put together these tools and resources to help you grow and manage your dental enterprise.

enjoy our complimentary toolkit

Compensation Guide

how to structure compensation and bonuses in your practice

Does your compensation structure motivate your team?

Hiring great people doesn't guarantee that production will continue to increase. It's important to have systems and compensation structures in place to build success month after month.

Our Spark executive team has put together a resource to help practice owners make important compensation decisions by unpacking fixed and variable pay structures. This report will help you navigate these decisions for your team to ensure everybody on your staff stays motivated and productive.

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Confidence Training

boost confidence and profitability with this 4-step exercise

Have you ever noticed that extremely successful people are always confident? They’re calm. They’re self-assured. They seem to be certain in their words and decisions. It seems as though confidence is a by-product of success.

But, what if it’s actually the other way around? What if confidence is what makes someone more successful? And, what if confidence is actually under our immediate control?

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Enterprise Value Matrix

video training: how to multiply the value of a dental enterprise

In this Spark training video, you'll learn the 4 quadrants to focus on to not only raise but multiply the value of your dental enterprise.

This is the first video in Spark's Strategic Thinker series, a weekly video series to change the way you're thinking about your dental enterprise and spark your mind. During this video, we dive into the 4 Quadrants of the Enterprise Value Matrix, the model we use to radically increase the value of dental groups.

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Interested in Joining Spark?

accelerate the growth of your group practice or dso

Spark is an invitation-only group specifically tailored to help you grow your small to mid-sized dental groups or DSOs by a factor of 10x. Our members describe it as the perfect mix of coaching, masterminding, instructional presentations, education, and peer support. Spark has been engineered to make a huge positive difference in both your personal and professional life.

The Spark Dental Network meets on a quarterly basis for two days with an option to stay for a third bonus day.

how it works